Philadelphia Lacan Study Group

Saint Agatha, by Tiepolo

Saint Agatha, by Tiepolo

The Ecstacy of St. Teresa, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

The Ecstacy of St. Teresa, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini


Oedipus explains the riddle of the Sphinx, by J. A. D. Ingres

Detail of Saint Lucy, by del Cossa

Detail of Saint Lucy, by del Cossa

Saturday, April 16, 2016 (1:00 pm to 3:30 pm)


Whereas Freud’s legacy is partly made up of detailed case presentations, Lacan rarely presented his own cases but revisited Freud’s case studies so as to expand the theory of psychoanalysis. This seminar will consist in readings of Freud and Lacan focusing on the original cases and their analyses.
​This seminar proposes to read Freud and Lacan together i.e. the original cases and its analyses. A suggested reading list will be provided to the participants ahead of each meeting. Specific passages might be read aloud and commented during the meetings. For this meeting we will read Fräulein Elisabeth von R. from Freud’s & Breuer’s Studies on Hysteria.

Benvenuto, S. (1998). The Crisis of Interpretation. JEP, 6 Winter 1998. Retrieved from
Breuer, J. and Freud, S. (1893). On The Psychical Mechanism of Hysterical Phenomena. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume II (1893-1895): Studies on Hysteria, Preliminary Communication, pp. 1-17
Fainsilber, L. and Berton, D. (2006). Au grand bal masqué du symptôme. Retrieved from
Freud, S. (1895). Frälein Elisabeth von R, Case Histories from Studies on Hysteria. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume II (1893-1895): Studies on Hysteria, Fraülein Elisabeth von R, Case Histories from Studies on Hysteria pp. 135-181
Freud, S. (1893). The Psychotherapy of Hysteria from Studies on Hysteria. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume II (1893-1895): Studies on Hysteria, The Psychotherapy of Hysteria, pp. 253-305
Lacan, J. (1957-58). Séminaire V: Les Formations de l’Inconscient, retrieved from Séance du 16 avril 1958
Lacan, J. (1957-58). Seminar V: the Formations of the Unconscious,Transl. Gallagher, C., retrieved from Session of April 16, 1958
Lacan, J. (1966/2006). The Direction of the Treatment Principles of its Power, in Écrits (Bruce Fink Translator). Norton, pp. 489-542 (specially pp. 534-538)
Laznik, M.-C. 1957-1958 Le désir et l’hystérique dans le séminaire des formations de l’inconscient. Retrieved
Mijolla de, A. (2005) The Case of Elisabeth von R. retrieved from

JAM introduces launch of Seminar 5 publication by Seuil in 1999 (French video)

WHERE? Philadelphia, PA (Center City) & Online
Dates: Saturdays 1-3:30 pm, about every 6-8 weeks
Location Philadelphia, PA (Center City) & Online
Dates Saturdays 1-3:30 pm, about every 6-8 weeks,
Contact Cécile G. McKenna
Free of charge.
Open to all interested.

Organized by The San Francisco Bay Area Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis ( in collaboration with the Philadelphia Lacan Study Group